How To Record Pc Audio With Audacity

how to record pc audio with audacity

Many people wonder How To Record Pc Audio With Audacity. This is because there are so many misconceptions about this piece of software. Some believe that it cannot be used for audio recording; some think that it cannot be used at all. However, this is not true. Anyone who is familiar with the basics of microphone recording or playback will be able to use this software.


There are a couple of things you need in order to start recording. Firstly, you will need an audio interface with Audacity. These come with the program and are fairly inexpensive; they are also easy to set up.


Next, you will want a pair of headphones; preferably microphone headphones, not earbud headphones. The reason for this is that the constant vibrations that your vocal cords produce while speaking can interfere with the sound that comes out of your microphone. You should ensure that the microphones are not too close to each other or else you will pick up other sounds from your surroundings. If you are recording over something such as a computer desktop, then place the microphone somewhere that does not house too much electronic equipment. This is because the sound from your computer speakers can easily dominate over your microphone signal.

How to Record PC Audio With Audacity


Once you have your equipment ready then you can begin learning how to record pc audio with audacity. Open the program and click on the "Recording" icon. This will bring out the mixer control; use this to mix the audio track with the track that you have recorded earlier. The advantage of doing this is that you can record and edit in one go; you do not need to stop where you are and go back to your previous spot.


To start out with you should choose a spot in your room where there will be no distractions; this may be your bedroom for instance. Click on the "New" icon and name your new recording session, choose "file" from the drop down menu. When you click "OK", the application will then let you know where your track is located.


Ensure that the software has you marked your track in the correct way, by using the title bar. The name of your track will differ depending on how you want to label it. Click the "Open" button to start recording. The Audacity recorder is equipped with basic audio editing features; you will probably find the ones you need in the "Recording" section.


Ensure that your audio is played back at the correct volume. Click the "Play" button to start the audio recording. If you find that you have to re-wind some sections of your recording, you can do so by selecting the "Rewind" icon. Depending on the length of your recording, you should not need to do this too many times.


Once your recording is complete, save it to your hard drive. Your next step is to view your recorded audio file in either Windows Media or Real Player. If you are looking to transfer your audio to your PC using a CD or a flash drive, you will need to select a device in the "Devices" drop down menu, and then follow the on-screen instructions. You may also find it useful to use Audacity's "copy" function - this will allow you to copy your recorded audio onto another device.


Before you proceed any further, ensure that your speakers are not too close to the speakers themselves (which could cause problems when you try to record). Next, click the "Open" button to begin the recording session. You will hear all of your audio as it is being recorded, and you can edit it within the Audacity editor. Ensure that your "pauses" are positioned within the audio recording, and try to do this in the order that they occur in the original recording (this is called fades).


The final step is to locate and click on the "Start" button. From here, you should be able to see a series of bars on the right hand side of the screen. Clicking on any one of these bars will stop the current recording, and begin a new recording in the same place. To stop the recording, simply click on the "Stop" button. You can also deselect a part of the track you are working on by clicking on the word "undo", which will make it redials the area you were trying to remove.


Once you have finished editing your PC audio, save your recording as an MP3 file. If you do not know how to save an MP3 file, search for the word "mp3" along with your name, and then add -fade off at the end of the file. This will make your recording highly portable and easy to share. Finally, you may want to consider exporting your tracks to a free audio editing program such as Adobe Audition or QuickTime.

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